FTX Field Training Exercises

Quarterly the Brady Battalion goes on field training exercises at JBLM to improve their Army readiness.

Day and Night Land Navigation

Cadet showing other Cadets directions on ground

On November 15th, Cadets conducted Day and Night Land Navigation at JBLM to practice land navigation skills taught in the Land Navigation Lab and prepare Cadets for graded land navigation at Cadet Summer Training. They utilized a map, protractor, and compass to successfully navigate to their points, with 4 hours to complete the day course, and 3 hours to complete the night course. MS1s and MS2s paired up together to complete the course, working as teams to gain confidence and experience with land navigation, while the MS3s completed the course individually, representing the skills learned and confidence they have gained from their prior experience on the course. Cadets showed their progression and excellence in navigating the course, with the fastest completion of the day course in 2 hours and 49 minutes, and the night course in 2 hours.

Cadet team in woods w/ map

by Cadet Blumenfeld

Wolverine Phase

Cadet crawling under barbed wire

Between the day and night land navigation courses, Cadets completed the Wolverine phase to mimic the "crawl phase" conducted at Cadet Summer Training as an introduction to Infantry tactics. During Wolverine, Cadets are introduced to weapon systems such as the M4, M249, and M240B, movement formations, and hand and arm signals. At the end of the three stations, Cadets participated in a practical exercise focused on the deliberate occupation of a patrol base and an objective rally point. To conclude, Cadets were guided and taught by MS4s who demonstrated outstanding performance at camp, receiving valuable pointers on how to prepare for their own camp experience.

Cadets tapping heels signaling

by Cadet Bryant